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Cool books to read

  So, you like to read?

So do I! But I am not a fan of romance novels or books including violence or strong language. These days it can be hard to find books like this that still have a good entertaining plot.

So I'd like to share some I have enjoyed with you. I have found that, except for the most avid readers, very few people have ever heard of many of these books.

Do remember, though, that each one of us has very different taste. I hope you enjoy these books, but you are not likely to like all of them.

One series I have enjoyed is the Pony Pals series. These are a series of short stories about three friends and their three ponies. They have many adventures and solve problems together. I am still reading the books of this series, but the ones I've completed are:

A Pony in Trouble
Keep Out, Pony!
The Western Pony

I haven't been able to locate sources of EBooks for these books. If you know of any, please point me to it!

Another book is the book

The End of The Beginning

This book is about a snail and an ant who set out together to find adventure. It includes lots of word play, and it is sooooo funny!! This is my favorite book. I read it over and over and it still gives me a good laugh. For example, in the title chapter the ant and snail debate whether the point they are now standing on (the end of a branch and the beginning of the sky) is actually the end or the beginning...

Another one of my favorites is

A Single Shard
by Linda Sue Park

This book gives us a glimpse into the life of South Korea several hundred years ago. A poor orphaned boy who is living with an elderly man under a bridge has a dream to become a potter. He is eventually able to work for the town's master potter and eventually both of them reach their dreams together--the boy to learn pottery and the master potter to be given a lifetime commission to provide pottery for the king. According to a note in the back of the book, it is based on a celadon vase that was dug up near the site where the story is set.

A book that I am looking for but have not been able to locate is

Seesaw Girl
by Linda Sue Park

This is another history novel set in South Korea several hundred years ago. I have not read it yet because I haven't been able to find this book in bookstores or in an accessible EBook format. If you know of its whereabouts, please point me to it!

There are more coming soon...But this will get you started.