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Sidewalk Chalk

   I oftentimes find that kids think making their own chalk sticks is as much fun as drawing on sidewalks with them. So here's a recipe. Have fun!

Sidewalk Chalk



  1. Carefully clean and dry eggshells.
  2. Place a few eggshells at a time in a mortar and use a pestle to grind them completely. (You can substitute a tin pie pan and a stone for the mortar and pestle.)
  3. Mix 1 teaspoon of hot water and 2 drops of food coloring in a small bowl.
  4. Add one teaspoon of flour to the colored water and stir well with a fork or wire whisk.
  5. Add one tablespoon of ground eggshells and stir well until the mixture is blended and sticky.
  6. Scrape the mixture out of the bowl into your hands and firmly shape it into a stick.
  7. Place the sticks on a sheet of foil to dry. It will take 2 to 3 days for it to dry.
  8. Thoroughly rinse and dry the bowl.
  9. Repeat steps 2 through 5 until you have formed 4 chalk sticks.

   Once your sticks have dried completely, they're ready to use! Use them to draw sidewalk pictures or play hopscotch or tic-tac-toe. Whatever you draw will disappear the next time it rains.

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