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Finjan Kirfee

This is a healthy spice tea that I have found quite tasty. I really enjoy drinking it on a cold winter morning. Cinnamon has been known to kill E. Coli. That's not why I drink it--I just like it--but it goes to show the benefits of eating herbs and adding this kind of thing to your diet.

Finjan Kirfee (Arabic name)
Pronounced Fi-yan ki-fee (short i sounds)
Makes 2 cups



  1. Combine spices in water and boil until water turns dark
  2. Strain out spices and discard.
  3. Pour into cups, add sugar (to taste) and add a walnut to each cup.

Note: If you do not have a teapot, a trick that has worked well for me is to put the spices on a piece of fine cheesecloth. Pull up the corners of the cheesecloth and tie shut so it forms a spice bag. Drop this into a pan of water and cook according to the above directions. When you are done, simply pick the bag out with a spoon and discard it. This beats trying to strain the anise seeds out with a colander!

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