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A Recipe for Relaxation

Modify this recipe to taste.

You and, if you like, your child
Your choice of either one Beagle on a leash or one Quarterhorse, saddled
A lifetime of good memories for each person and animal, steeped in thoughtful silence
One tingle of love and humor for each
One fair, warm evening
One sunset along with one bin of twinkling stars, scattered in the sky
A memory of one or two light, tinkling melodies
Several acres of woods, preferably cedar groves
One field of bright yellow, blue, and purple flowers and green grass
One bin of mockingbirds, hummingbirds, butterflies, and the like, thoroughly mixed and poured into the woods and field

1. Comfortably mount the quarterhorse or grasp the Beagle's leash. If your child is coming along, seat him in front of you or hold his hand.

2. Ride or walk through the woods at a slow, easy pace. Whenever you feel like it, stop or sit on a fallen log.

3. Share your tingle of love and humor by talking small talk in a quiet voice to the child and/or animals and stroking the quarterhorse's neck or scratching the Beagle's ears.

4. Dwell on the good memories and light thoughts, and enjoy the warm evening, the solitude, and the woods (and the smell of cedar!).

5. Just before dark, go to the field. Just sit still in the saddle (let the quarterhorse graze) or lie down in the grass, snuggled up to the beagle.

6. Continue to share your tingle of love and humor as you enjoy the flowers, butterflies, and sunset.

7. After the sun sets, watch the stars come out one by one and twinkle. If desired, hum a tinkling melody with the stars.

Copyright 10-06-04